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BLC3 is an Incubation Centre for ideas and companies, a structure directed towards the creation and development of new business models and the Self Value of each citizen. It provides support to the birth and development of innovative and technological business projects that focus on territorial enhancement, innovation, differentiation, creativity and the creation of high-value jobs in rural and inner regions of Portugal.

The contact with several entities is permanent, as a result of privileged links with universities in the areas of scientific and technological research, innovation and creativity. BLC3 is equipped with human resources, furnished business spaces, meeting rooms and access to a wide range of communication technologies, such as mail, telephone, internet and videoconferencing.

The Incubation Centre is made up of the Incubator | BLC3 - located on the premises of BLC3's headquarters - and two other Hubs (Alfândega da Fé and Ourique) to fulfil its mission and objectives.

The Incubator | BLC3 is member of RNi - Portugal Incubators (National Network of Incubators) and RIERC (Network of Business Incubators in the Centre of Portugal), participating in national mentoring networks for entrepreneurship projects, with links to an international network of excellence in research and innovation created by BLC3.

  • Support to the creation and development of ideas and companies throughout their incubation programs, including a pre-incubation period for a thorough feasibility study;
  • Stimulation and supervision of ideas and companies;
  • Analysis, investment attraction and funding;
  • Support to the development of research and innovation activities through the R&TD Centre;
  • Availability of physical spaces (work offices, meeting rooms, shared labs and an outdoor area for the development of projects and biotechnological demonstrations;
  • Areas and services for pre-industrial demonstration regarding the agro-food and plant biotechnology areas;
  • Coaching and mentoring services;
  • Connection to networks and markets;
  • Support services for the identification, selection and recruitment of human resources;
  • Domiciliary and reception services;
  • Support services for the protection of intellectual property and transfer of knowledge;
  • Accounting support services;
  • Legal advice;
  • Registration and support for the establishment of company/partnerships; and
  • Stimulation and replication of the young fixation model and entrepreneurship in other regions (Centres).
  • Rooms from 20 m2 to 60 m2, with connection to an international knowledge network of excellence and with access to laboratories, furniture and internet.
  • Common areas: reception, meeting rooms and service areas with a printer, fax and video conference.
  • Location: Rua Nossa Senhora da Conceção, Nº 2, Lagares, 3405-155 Oliveira do Hospital
  • GPS coordinates: 40°21'38.2"N 7°50'01.0"W
  • Contact us:

Centro TV is an innovative project concerning multimedia information, focusing on regional aspects, which through online television and several other digital platforms offers on time information on the center inner region, as well as national and international news. Centro TV’s new webtv, available on the digital platform denominated Meo Kanal, is a low cost project, in which, outsourcing is of extreme importance.

Room: Room 7



The DOcereal - Caramelized Seeds has the main goal to produce a caramelized sunflower seeds appetizer, through the development of an innovative method of caramelization still new to the market.

Room: Room 1



The Enging – Making Solutions company aims at the commercialization of a new predicting maintenance solution for industrial engines, using a diagnostic system based on electrical parameters. The proposed system measures electric currents and tensions applied to the terminals of the monitored engine. Consequently, this diagnostic machine processes and analysis real time data, preparing a technical report sent to the client. Enging focuses on the development of new solutions related to electrical engines market, together with a strong bet on research and development in associated areas (R&TD+i).

Room: Room 9



BTS - Biotechnology and Sensing for Food Safety and Health, Lda. is a BLC3 spin-off company specialized on research, training and development of groundbreaking products in the area of clinical and analytical toxicology associated to fungi.

Room: Room 8



Dental prostheses laboratory which aims to support the various dental clinics of the inner region of the country and support the development of new R&D concepts for improving the oral health.

Area: Oral Health

Room: Room 2 and 3



Trialmotor is a company based in Ceira dos Vales, in Lousã.
It is composed of 7 elements with different areas of know-how but with a common passion, the Trial.

Nowadays, Trialmotor is divided into:

- Training Center: 3 Trial areas (Basic, Intermediate and Hardcore) that have been created for all levels of experience and with trial classes from 2 years old up to 72 years old.
- Off Road Adventures: Everything that is related to the county of Lousã and the Serra of Lousã, where tours are made to take the clients to the greatest points of interest.
- Online Shop: Operating since 2013 and selling worldwide, with a greater focus on Iran, Russia and Japan.
- Competitions/Trial Shows: Since 2002 national and international competitions and trial shows advertise and promote Trialmotor’s activities.

All information, photos and videos about Trialmotor can be found on the official website at or on social networks, especially in Instagram at:
Here is an example of the Trialmotor team in a Trial view:

Room: Virtual Incubation



The main activity of MicNatur, a BLC3 spin off, is centred on scientific and biotechnological research associated with the development of innovative and differentiating products in mycology. It is made up of highly qualified human resources and with investment in the development of bioreactors.

Room: Company Accelerator



Avecina is a Techno-based company that aims to bridge the gap between the latest research and technology and real healthcare challenges. Using emerging technologies to deliver smart healthcare products and services, along with disruptive business models, striving to ensure a healthy, high-quality life for all members of society. It aims to reduce patient pain and suffering and guaranteeing patients can enjoy the latest technology that addresses health issues, shortening the life cycle of Technology Readiness Level Growth and making smart health solutions available in the market.

Room: Virtual Incubation



Creation of graphic design projects and personalized service in advertising production.

Room: 10

E-commerce for food products with life cycle traceability in zero-waste production processes.


Remote digital dental service, based on 3D digital additive manufacturing.

Telecare and a digital program to improve the quality of life of the elderly population, with a focus on cardiovascular health.
